Is your freezer ready for winter?

Our pigs are at the point of finishing off and we’d love to fill your freezer with Alaska Grown pork. A half animal hanging weight ranges from 60-70 lbs.

Here’s what you get with a half pig (your individual cuts may vary depending upon the size of your animal and your cut ):

23 Pork chops

2 roasts

1 Fresh Country Ham

8 lbs Fresh Bacon Slab

3lbs of Spare Ribs

9 lbs of Ground Pork

Pork Hocks

Total: Typically 60-70 lbs of meat for half a share.

2021 Availability: We have 30 animals available for the Summer/Fall of 2021

Price: $6/lb based on hanging weight*

*Quick definition: hanging weight is the weight of the pig carcass after initial slaughter and processing. It’s the weight of the carcass after the hide, head and some organs have been removed. The actual meat you will receive is typically 60% +/- of the hanging weight.

If ordering a quarter, half the amount of cuts. If ordering a full, double the amounts you see above. If ordering a quarter half the amounts. Cuts are subject to change based on the animal. Price is standard across all order sizes.